
Up-to-date school status information

A free service for all schools

Why choose our service?

A free service for all schools

Quick and easy to update

Get set up in just a few clicks

Easily let people know when school is open

Update from a dedicated website or your mobile phone

A fully supported service by the Atomwide Service Desk


    About our service

    OpenCheck is an easy way for schools to communicate their open dates to parents and visitors. Particularly helpful when a school needs to close at short notice. The service can also be used to communicate term times and inset days. When a school updates it's OpenCheck status, the latest info is displayed on the OpenCheck website, the school's website (if set up), via an automated phone line, and those who have downloaded the ParentComms:Mobile app will receive a free push notification to their smartphone.

    Find out more

    If you'd like to discuss your requirements with us please fill in your details below.

    At Atomwide we respect privacy and all data are processed in accordance with data protection laws. Please note, all feasible security measures are in place.

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